Study in France

Study in France

Last edited on 04 Mar 2025

Salut! Bienvenue en France!

Hi! Welcome to France!

France is well known for its high life quality, also one of the founding countries of the European Union. Moreover, it is the second-largest country in the EU. France has been one of many major study destinations in Europe. France raises up a distinct set of associations in our collective imagination. From the urbane sophistication and history of its cities to its legendary food and wine to the spectacular scenery – think rugged mountains and verdant forests, golden beaches and azure seas, rolling pastures and mighty rivers – everyone has their own idealized conception of France. This is reflected in its status as the world’s most popular tourist destination, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization.

Most people associate French culture with Paris, which is a center of fashion, cuisine, art, and architecture, but life outside of the City of Lights is very different and varies by region. France doesn't just have different cultures; the word "culture" actually comes from France. "'Culture' derives from the same French term, which in turn derives from the Latin colere, meaning to tend to the earth and grow, cultivation and nurture," Cristina De Rossi, an anthropologist at Barnet and Southgate College in London, told Live Science. Historically, French culture was influenced by Celtic and Gallo-Roman cultures as well as the Franks, a Germanic tribe. France was initially defined as the western area of Germany known as Rhineland but it later came to refer to a territory that was known as Gaul during the Iron Age and Roman era.

Higher Education System

In France, you can choose to study your bachelor's ("Licence "), masters or Ph.D. ("Doctorat ") degree, or participate in a summer course program, as the French educational system is designed to provide students with a wide range of study opportunities. You may consider enrolling in the university if you opt to have more theoretical education, or if you prefer to have a degree with a vocational approach, you may want to consider Grandes Écoles or University Institutes of Technology. The French degrees awarded are based on the European system of Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D., expressed in credits as defined by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

There are few countries which concentrate to invest much in research and education and France is one among few.

In 2020, France is ranked first among the best establishments in mathematics, according to US News & World Report, a famous media in the United States for these numerous rankings. Moreover, the Times Higher Education has published its annual ranking, certifying that 5 French higher education institutions appear in the Top 200 and 40 in the Top 1000, including Paris Sciences et Lettres University (46th), Sorbonne University (87th), École Polytechnique (93rd), Paris Cité Université (136th) and Paris-Saclay University (178th). And this year, for the first time, French Higher education has been awarded by the traditional annual Shanghai Ranking with 30  establishments in the list: one in the top twenty, three in the top 50, and five in the top 100.

In addition, France is a popular study destination for international students with many renowned well-developed research facilities and over 1600 English-taught courses which are compiled here 

France is also known for its strong contingent of specialized business schools. However, due to their subject-specific focus, these schools are not placed in the overall rankings but nonetheless enjoy wide-reaching international reputations. Notable examples include ESCP Europe, ESSEC Business School, HEC Paris, and INSEAD.

France is one of the forerunners of scientific and technological innovation. It owes this standing to its research capacity and its many achievements in such fields as aerospace, transportation, electronics, telecommunications, chemistry, biotechnology, health and mathematics, successes attested to by the number of French winners of Fields Medals and Nobel Prizes

To add more, tuition fees at the leading universities in France are among the lowest in the world, with annual fees averaging under US$2,000 per year for domestic and international students alike.

Language requirements for studies at universities and colleges in France


Since the language of instruction at French universities and colleges is French, you are required to prove your level of command of the French language. If you are enrolling in the first or second year of a study program at a university in France, you must prove you have an adequate level of knowledge of French by either passing a language test or by obtaining a degree in French. If you are applying for studies at a Grande École, or you intend to study in the third year of a study program, or plan to enroll in a master's or Ph.D. program, you will have to check the French language requirement with your school in France since it varies depending on the study program. In general, you are expected to have a level of command of the French language corresponding to B1/B2 in the European Language Passport.

For language test that is acceptable to enroll for a degree in France, you can contact the nearest Campus France or you can browse their website


If your study program or course is taught in English, you will be required to prove your level of command of English by presenting the results you received at English courses. Please, always check with your university whether your English studies are sufficient for you to meet this requirement.

Tuition Fees

Bachelor's degree & BUT : 2 850€ / Master's degree : 3879€ / PhD : 380€ (per year)
Private schools : can go up to 40 000€ per year


LPDP, IISMA, France Excellence, France Excellence Eiffel, BIM, Erasmus, Kominfo

Living Costs

From 600€ to 1200€ per month (it depends of the city)


Up to 20 hours per week

Life After Studies

To stay in France after graduating, non-European students must have a promise of employment or a work contract and be paid at least one and a half times the minimum wage (2,220 euros gross per month in 2017).

Without the promise of employment, a foreign, non-European graduate may request a"JOB SEEKER/ NEW BUSINESS CREATOR" RESIDENCE PERMIT valid for twelve months and non-renewable, while they seek employment in France. To do this, they must have a professional Bachelor's or a Master's-level degree or be in the process of starting a company.

Fast Facts

  • 6th destination for international students and more than 400 000 international students in France.
  • France is the 3rd most represented country in the Shanghai Ranking 2024

Universities in France
