Study in CY Cergy Paris Université with Scholarship
Study in CY Cergy Paris Université with Scholarship
CY Cergy Paris Université
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Study in CY Cergy Paris Université

Last edited on 04 Mar 2025

TOP 300 : CY Cergy Paris Université, International Outlook, THE Young University Rankings 2020

CY Cergy Paris Université is an university of diversity, society-oriented and of international standing. As a multidisciplinary university, the general academic offer is organized in a simple and understandable way :

CY SUP : undergraduate school

5 GRADUATE SCHOOLS (master and doctorate)

CY Tech, a ‘’Grande Ecole’’, specialized in Science, Engineering, Economics and Management, along with the Engineering programs of the EISTI.

CY Arts et Humanités (Arts and Humanities), specialized in Languages, History, Geography and associated with the ENSAPC (Paris-Cergy National Graduate School of Arts), the ENSAV (National Graduate School of Architecture of Versailles), the ENSP (National School of Landscape Architecture) but also the INP (National Heritage Institute).

CY Education, with the INSPÉ (National Institute of Teaching and Education), the EPSS (Social Work) and the ILEPS (Sports).

CY Droit et Science Politique (Law and Political Science).

ESSEC Business School (Business)

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