Study in Emlyon Business School with Scholarship
Study in Emlyon Business School with Scholarship
Emlyon Business School
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Study in Emlyon Business School

Last edited on 03 Jul 2024

Masters in Management (Programme Grande École): 4th in France, 9th globally (FT 2022)
Masters in Finance: 4th in France (QS 2022)
Masters in Marketing: 4th in France (QS 2022)
Masters in Business Analytics: 4th in France (QS 2022)
2nd in France (38th globally) in the THE Global University Employability Ranking 2022
IMBA: 3rd in France (The Economist 2022)

EM L yon business school was founded in 1872 by the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry.  It is one of the oldest business schools in Europe. emlyon is among the 1% of global business schools to be accredited by the three international accreditation systems: AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA.


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