"More than a thousand students, from 40 countries, follow engineering courses on two quite exceptional campuses situated at the heart of very active high-technology clusters. The studies range from masters, specialized masters to PhD courses."
"Among the 300 permanent members of staff at Telecom Bretagne, the 150 research lecturers are regularly awarded the highest honours for their contribution to the advancement of Research in their different fields of specialization. Some even go beyond the development potential of their results and create successful companies which bring wealth to the local, regional or national economic fabric. Telecom Bretagne plays an important role in the industrial development of Research via its numerous partners and networks (vice presidency of the Université Européenne de Bretagne, high-technology clusters for Image and Networks and the Sea). It has created several joint laboratories with the CNRS, Inserm and universities. It works closely with industry through its advanced communications Research"