The esilv, higher school of engineers leonardo da vinci is a school of general engineers at the heart of digital technologies. She recruits mainly at the baccalauréat level (s and sti2d) and trains in 5 years of operational engineers perfectly fitting into the professional world.
The esilv’s pedagogical project is based on digital sciences and technologies combined with 4 major specializations: computer science, numerical mechanics and modeling, quantitative finance and new energies, and the 20% cross-curriculum of its curriculum with a school of management and a multimedia school with a 5-year master’s degree in engineering, a double diploma. Teaching in small groups, team work, pedagogy by project, integrated sport in the curriculum, internships and compulsory international experiences complete the curriculum. 1300 students - 1250 former students. The esilv is a member of the cge, the ugei, the cdefi and campus france.