Terletak di barat laut Eropa, Inggris merupakan persatuan politik dari empat negara: Inggris, Skotlandia, Wales, dan Irlandia Utara. Dua bahasa resminya adalah bahasa Inggris dan Welsh. Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa yang terbanyak digunakan. Inggris merupakan negara ekonomi industri yang semangat maju dan enam besar penghasil produk dalam negeri di dunia. Hampir 80% perekonomian di Inggris berasal dari sektor jasa, dan sekitar 19% berasal dari sektor industri. Industri utamanya meliputi: kedirgantaraan, energi, kimia, telekomunikasi, elektronik, dan jasa keuangan. Inggris termasuk dalam sepuluh besar negara yang mendanai banyak riset dan pembangunan, yang melampaui 27 Milyar Euro di tahun 2015. Inggris memiliki lebih dari 3.000 lembaga pendidikan yang siap untuk menyambut siswa internasional.
Terlepas dari ketidakpastian yang diakibatkan oleh referendum keanggotaan Uni Eropa negara ini di bulan Juni 2016, perguruan tinggi di Inggris bersatu padu dalam usaha mereka untuk terus menyambut siswa dari Uni Eropa dan seluruh dunia. Apalagi, negara ini merupakan rumah bagi banyak perguruan tinggi dengan komunitas yang beragam – hal ini menjadi salah satu daya tarik untuk belajar di Inggris.
Gelar Sarjana S1 merupakan salah satu kualifikasi populer di Inggris. Kuliah S1 biasanya memakan waktu kira-kira tiga tahun di Inggris, Irlandia Utara dan Wales, atau empat tahun di Skotlandia (tergantung lokasi). Kelas persiapan perguruan tinggi membantu untuk menjembatani perbedaan persyaratan yang sudah dimiliki siswa dan yang perlu dimiliki siswa untuk memulai kelas di jurusan tertentu.
Ada berbagai pilihan program pasca sarjana. Mata kuliah pra – pascasarjana dapat berlangsung selama satu semester sampai dengan 1 tahun akademik. Sertifikat Pascasarjana atau diploma akan memakan waktu 1 tahun tanpa disertai riset. Sertifikat ini seringkali dianggap sebagai persyaratan profesional di bidang kerja bersangkutan, yang memberikan nilai lebih untuk mengawali karir. Mata kuliah yang diajarkan (MA, MSc, LLM, Med, dll) pada umumnya berlangsung selama satu tahun dan terdiri atas dua bagian: sejumlah modul dan disertasi dari riset original. Program Pascasarjana untuk Riset (MRes, MPhil) adalah tingkat pascasarjana melalui riset. Kamu akan membutuhkan setahun penuh untuk melakukan riset dan nilai akhir akan ditentukan oleh kualitas hasil disertasi. Program pascasarjana untuk administrasi (MBA) merupakan kelas khusus bidang bisnis yang diajarkan dalam mata kuliah pascasarjana. MBA merupakan kualifikasi pascasarjana terpopuler.
Untuk menyelesaikan gelar Doktor (PhD) dibutuhkan waktu tiga hingga empat tahun, selama waktu tersebut kamu akan melakukan riset. New Route PhDs sama seperti proyek riset merupakan bagian pelajaran yang memberikan kesempatan untuk belajar pengetahuan lain. Inggris terkenal dengan pelajar internasionalnya, data statistik UNESCO terakhir, lebih dari 427.000 lulusan Sekolah Menengah Umum dari berbagai negara belajar di sini pada tahun 2012. Di dunia internasional, Inggris diakui sebagai tempat tujuan melanjutkan pendidikan, menawarkan berbagai macam institusi pendidikan, fakultas, ilmu pengetahuan, dan mata kuliah. Sebagai contoh, sebanyak 45 perguruan tinggi di inggris termasuk dalam 400 teratas di dunia berdasarkan Peringkat Pendidikan Tinggi Dunia versi Times 2015-2016, 16 perguruan tinggi termasuk dalam 100 teratas, dan 3 perguruan tinggi termasuk dalam 10 teratas - Imperial College London di posisi ke 8, Perguruan tinggi Cambridge di posisi ke 4, dan Perguruan Tinggi Oxford di posisi dua terbaik dunia.
The UK’s capital city ranks among the world’s best cities for students, and has an impressive 18 universities featured in the QS World University Rankings®. Home to nine million people, this large metropolis is the financial, cultural and political center of the country. London life is busy and fast-paced, so if you don’t like crowds or noise, it might not be the place for you! It has a (deserved) reputation for being expensive, so may also not be the best choice for those on a tight budget – but most of those who do study in London will agree that the city is worth every penny in the opportunities for culture, fun and networking on offer.
Home to many of the best libraries, museums, art galleries, nightclubs and theaters in the UK, and the hub of many of its most competitive professional sectors, London has more to see and do than you’ll have time to get to the end of – even if you stay long enough to complete a PhD. Indeed, there are few places in the world which can guarantee as exciting and diverse an experience – both academically and otherwise.
Universities in London include some of the world’s best, with UCL (University College of London) and Imperial College London both making the top 10 in the QS World University Rankings 2016-2017. Other top London universities include King’s College London (21st in the world), social sciences specialist London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE; joint 37th), and many more.
Manchester is famed for its music scene – few cities have produced as many prominent bands and acts (such as the Sex Pistols and Oasis) in the past 30 years. The city is home to an eclectic range of music venues, large and small, ensuring the city’s music scene is as vibrant and fast-moving as ever. The trendy-bohemian Northern Quarter is popularly considered the cultural heart of the city, while the Canal Street area – the center of the city’s gay community – is among its liveliest nightspots.
While Manchester is undoubtedly something of a party town, it’s also big on sports – especially football (soccer). The global fame of Manchester United is difficult to beat, while local rival Manchester City is one of the wealthiest clubs in the world. Manchester should also be on your shortlist if you’re a fan of architecture – you’ll find an interesting variety of styles, from Victorian and Gothic to contemporary skyscrapers. Multicultural in general, Manchester also has the third-largest Chinese population in Europe, and a thriving Chinatown area.
Among universities in Manchester, the top ranking institution is the University of Manchester (which incorporates Alliance Manchester Business School), at 29th in the QS World University Rankings 2016-2017. If you want to get more of a feel for the city, you could tune in to the University of Manchester’s student radio station, Fuse FM, or perhaps listen to MMU Radio, run by students from nearby Manchester Metropolitan University (ranked 701+). Also just outside the city center is the University of Salford (also 701+), not far from the BBC’s MediaCity complex, and a cluster of cultural venues including the Lowry Center and the Museum of Science and Industry.
The UK’s second-largest city, Birmingham rose to prominence during the industrial revolution. Today Birmingham (or Brum, as it is known affectionately to locals) is a thriving commercial hub, home to the UK’s largest shopping area outside of London, and one of the most multicultural places in the UK. It offers thriving art, music and literary scenes, including the prestigious City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and a range of other cultural institutions.
Birmingham’s six universities also make it the UK’s largest center of higher education and academic research outside of the capital, while the ongoing ‘Big City Plan’ aims to make Birmingham one of the top 20 most livable cities in the world within 20 years. The highest-ranked among universities in Birmingham is the University of Birmingham, at 82nd in the QS World University Rankings. Other options include Aston University (ranked 358th) and four other universities, including the Open University’s West Midlands regional center. The city of Birmingham itself was a new entry in the QS Best Student Cities 2016 at 66th.
It may have lived for many years in the genteel shadow of Edinburgh (which, incidentally, claims the UK’s fifth highest-ranked university, the University of Edinburgh), but Scotland’s largest city has in recent years shaken off its former gritty reputation to emerge as one of the UK’s most dynamic and desirable places to live.
With historic architecture, distinctive local traditions and museums to rival any city in the UK, Glasgow now also has enough trendy bars, restaurants and gig venues to keep even the most hardened hipster entertained (plus the world’s tallest cinema). PETA has declared the city to be the most vegan-friendly in the UK. And, while Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland, it is not as overrun by tourists as Edinburgh and has a significantly lower cost of living. It also has the largest student population in Scotland (and the second largest in the UK, after London).
In keeping with the city’s general upwards trajectory, universities in Glasgow have been climbing the rankings in recent years. The University of Glasgow now stands at joint 63rd in the QS World University Rankings, while the University of Strathclyde is ranked joint 272nd.
Yes, Oxford and Cambridge are two separate cities, each with a distinct history and character. But the two halves of ‘Oxbridge’ are also bound together in the collective imagination as semi-mythical academic enclaves with a profound historic affinity, as well as an ever-so-slightly tongue-in-cheek rivalry. Both are old medieval towns, built on rivers and situated towards the south of England not far from London, both are relatively quiet and peaceful, and both are completely dominated by their universities – the two oldest in the Anglophone world. Oxford and Cambridge are both collegiate universities, and their constituent colleges loom large over the city centers, which you’ll also notice are teeming with the bright young attendees (usually on bicycles when they’re not relaxing on the river in a punting boat). While Cambridge is home to a large cluster of high-technology industries such as software and bioscience, earning it the name ‘Silicon Fen’ (a play on Silicon Valley), Oxford has a long history of brewing and has been an important center of motor-manufacturing for years, with the main production site for Mini cars, now owned by BMW, based there. Both remain among the most famous and prestigious universities in the world, with the University of Cambridge ranked fourth in the QS World University Rankings 2016-2017, while the University of Oxford is sixth. And, of course, to list their notable alumni would have an effect somewhat akin to snow blindness!
Other UK cities featured in the QS Best Student Cities index include: Edinburgh, Coventry (with the highly ranked University of Warwick nearby), Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and Nottingham.
Inggris memiliki pusat pelayanan pendaftaran yang menangani semua lamaran program sarjana – Pelayanan Pendaftaran Perguruan Tinggi dan Kampus (UCAS). Pusat pelayanan ini digunakan oleh pelajar lokal dan internasional yang hendak mendaftarkan di perguruan tinggi Inggris. Kamu perlu mendaftarkan diri di website UCAS sebelum mengisi dan mengumpulkan aplikasimu.Website UCAS mempersiapkan informasi detail terkait dengan cara mendaftar, apa yang perlu dipersiapkan, bagaimana memeriksa perkembangan pendaftaran kalian dan bagaimana meresponi Perguruan Tinggi pilihan kalian. Website ini juga memberikan petunjuk bagi mahasiswa internasional, termasuk informasi VISA, keuangan, dan lainnya.
Biaya pendidikan di Inggris
Biaya pendidikan bervariasi sesuai dengan negara asal. Pelajar dari Uni Eropa dikenakan biaya yang sama dengan pelajar dari Inggris, sedangkan pelajar di luar Uni Eropa dikenakan biaya lebih tinggi. Biaya pendidikan sarjana penuh di perguruan tinggi negri di Inggris juga bervariasi, disesuaikan dengan lokasi belajar: di Inggris, biaya kuliah bisa mencapai £9,250 (~US$11,330) setiap tahunnya, dan di Wales hingga £9,000 (~US$11,020). Wilayah Skotlandia tidak memungut biaya program sarjana untuk pelajar lokal atau pelajar yang berasal dari Uni Eropa (pelajar dari tiga wilayah Inggris lainnya dikenakan biaya hingga £9,000 per tahun). Di Irlandia Utara, pelajar yang berasal dari wilayahnya dan pelajar dari Uni Eropa di kenakan biaya hingga £3,925 (~US$4,800) per tahun, dan pelajar dari bagian Inggris lainnya dikenakan biaya hingga £9,250.
Pelajar internasional di luar Uni Eropa biasanya dikenakan biaya lebih tinggi, berkisar antara £7,000 (~US$8,580) dan £35,000 (~US$42,900) pertahun disesuaikan dengan kelas pilihan. Di tingkat pasca sarjana, tidak ada standar maksimum yang pasti, dan bagi semua pelajar (Inggris/Uni Eropa/Internasional), biaya pendidikan di tingkat ini lebih tinggi dari program sarjana. Sekali lagi, perbedaan biaya ini beragam disesuaikan dengan tingkatan dan perguruan tinggi.
Sebagai akibat dari keluarnya Inggris dari Uni Eropa (dijuluki ‘Brexit’) terjadi ketidak jelasan tentang biaya pendidikan untuk mahasiswa yang berasal dari Uni Eropa. Tetapi banyak perguruan tinggi yang berjanji akan tetap memungut biaya yang sama untuk mahasiswa saat ini hingga mereka menyelesaikan pendidikannya. Pemerintah Inggris juga menyatakan bahwa tidak ada peraturan tentang perubahan visa dalam waktu dekat, dan mahasiswa dari Uni Eropa masih berhak mendapatkan bantuan dan hibah.
Biaya Hidup di Inggris
Kamu akan membutuhkan setidaknya £12,000 dalam setahun untuk mencukupi semua kebutuhan hidup di Inggris (~US$14,720) dan bila kamu tinggal di London, kamu akan membutuhkan biaya lebih besar dikarenakan tarif tempat tinggal dan lainnya biasanya lebih tinggi dari lokasi lainnya. Untuk permohonan visa, kamu akan diharuskan untuk memenuhi persyaratan keuangan yang ditetapkan oleh Badan Pengawas Inggris (UKBA). Salah satu cara untuk menghemat biaya selama belajar di Inggris adalah dengan menggunakan diskon pelajar yang ditawarkan – tunjukan kartu pelajarmu untuk menghemat biaya!
Bantuan keuangan pelajar di Inggris
Ada banyak bantuan keuangan bagi pelajar yang ingin belajar di Inggris. Negara – negara Uni Eropa juga dapat mendapatkan bantuan dari Lembaga Keungan Pelajar Inggris (SFE). Permohonan bantuan keuangan pelajar di Inggris dikumpulkan terpisah dari permohonan UCAS. Banyak Pelajar Internasional yang berhak untuk mendapatkan beasiswa, hibah, penghargaan finansial, dan pinjaman yang diberikan oleh pemerintah, badan amal, dan organisasi lainnya. Kamu juga berhak untuk mendaftarkan diri dalam program beasiswa QS, sedangkan untuk calon peserta program pascasarjana dapat mengajukan permohonan di program beasiswa pascasarjana QS.
Departemen Pendidikan di negaramu bahkan Kedutaan Besar Inggris dapat memberikan informasi tentang berbagai bantuan ini. Dalam banyak bagian, persaingan sangat ketat, kamu harus mendaftarkan diri sesegera mungkin untuk mendapatkan peluang yang lebih besar. Berdasarkan negara asalmu, kamu bisa saja berhak mendapatkan pinjaman atau bantuan keuangan dari pemerintah Inggris.
Penting bagimu untuk mencari tahu biaya yang tidak didanai oleh bantuan keuangan, jadi kamu bisa bersiap untuk memenuhi biaya tersebut. Sangat disarankan untuk mencari tahu bantuan keuangan sebelum kamu memulai kuliah, karena mencari bantuan di tengah tahun akademik mungkin tidak mudah.
Layanan Kesehatan di Inggris
Meskipun biaya layanan kesehatan pribadi di Inggris bisa sangat mahal, semua mahasiswa internasional yang telah belajar sekurangnya enam bulan berhak untuk menggunakan Layanan Kesehatan Negara (NHS) yang menyediakan pendaftaran dan konsultasi gratis dengan seorang Dokter NHS (Dokter Umum) atau perawat, bebas biaya perawatan di Rumah Sakit bila dirujuk oleh Dokter anda, dan biaya standar untuk pembelian obat berdasarkan resep dokter (kecuali di Wales dan Skotlandia, obat berdasarkan resep dokter bebas biaya)
Kamu juga bisa mendaftarkan diri ke NHS di pusat kesehatan perguruan tinggimu. Cara lainnya adalah kamu mendaftarkan diri di dokter umum yang dekat dengan universitas atau tempat tinggalmu. Dewan Pelajar Internasional Inggris (UKCISA) adalah sumber informasi yang terpercaya untuk mencari tahu tentang layanan kesehatan, bantuan bagi pelajar dan beroperasi selama atau setelah masa belajar.
Tempat Tinggal Siswa di Inggris
Sebagian besar pelajar yang belajar di Inggris tinggal di tempat yang di sediakan oleh perguruan tinggi mereka, tempat tinggal utama bisa berupa kamar, rumah, ataupun rumah susun. Kamu dapat meminta bantuan atau mengurus sendiri untuk mencari tempat tinggal, sedangkan homestay (tinggal bersama keluarga setempat) tidak umum dilakukan.
Kamu juga dapat memilih berbagai tempat tinggal pribadi, baik tinggal sendiri atau bersama dengan teman. Pastikan kamu sudah mendapatkan tempat tinggal sebelum kamu tiba di Inggris. Mahasiswa internasional biasanya diberikan pilihan di termpat tinggal universitas atau dapat berburu tempat tinggal melalui situs web. Persatuan Mahasiswa dan Kantor Tempat tinggal mahasiswa di kampus bisa menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mendapatkan tempat tinggal.
Menetap di Inggris
Cambridge Corpus Christi
Mungkin kampusmu akan mengadakan beberapa acara penyambutan untuk pelajar internasional, termasuk kegiatan sosial, workshop, dan ‘sesi orientasi’, yang akan memberikanmu kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi kampus dan lingkungan setempat. Kamu juga bisa bergabung dalam ‘Fresher’s Week’ – selama seminggu (atau kadang dua minggu) waktu yang dijadwalkan untuk menyambut semua mahasiswa baru (‘fresher’ merupakan istilah informal untuk mahasiswa baru). Akan ada Pameran untuk Mahasiswa Baru, yang merupakan kesempatan untuk bergabung dalam kegiatan mahasiswa yang menarik bagimu, termasuk olah raga, seni, dan kelompok sosial.
Kamu disarankan untuk memiliki rekening di Inggris setibanya di sana. Membuat rekening baru membutuhkan waktu beberapa minggu, jadi pastikan kamu memiliki uang tunai yang cukup hingga saat itu. Penduduk dari negara tertentu mungkin diharuskan untuk melaporkan diri ke polisi.
Fakta Singkat:
Already decided to study in UK? Absolutely a great choice! Well, three out of ten of the world’s top universities are in the UK, including the university in the first place. Being in the top rank in the world, UK’s higher education institutions have a growing reputation in the eyes of international companies. While studying in England, students not only attend classroom sessions but also able to interact with lectures through seminars, discussions and projects. This environment would help students to improve critical thinking skills, creativity and confidence.
Additional benefits next to the academic traditions of various world-famous universities, students will receive access to the most up-to-date facilities for a world-class research. British education will also help you develop the ability and confidence in speaking English, skills that are highly valued by companies worldwide. Whatever brings you here, if you will study for an undergraduate level, boarding schools or further education college, you will be part of a multicultural environment and secure. Education institutions in the UK have a comprehensive service facility that can reliably support student. Seeking for a cultural adventure? UK offers you ranging from music festivals and sports events to an ancient castle and a vibrant nightlife. Finally, what you need to do is start preparing your application to universities. Not forget to mention, If you are looking for a financial support, Chevening Scholarships grant you a promising one.
Focus Scholarship: Master
Competition: worldwide
Scholarship Coverage: Full scholarship
UK Government offers its prestigious global scholarship program – Chevening Sholarships – to support outstanding emerging leaders to pursue a one-year master’s at any UK university. It is funded by the FCO and partner organisations. The scholarship programme is looking for future leaders, influencers, and decision-makers from all over the world to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK. Available in over 160 countries and territories, the scholarships support one-year Master’s degrees in any subject and at any UK university.
Focus Scholarship: Postgraduate
Scholarship Coverage: minimum of £10,000
GREAT Scholarships 2021, launched by the Study UK campaign together with 41 UK universities, supports postgraduate students from Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand to access world-class UK higher education opportunities. Each scholarship offers financial support of a minimum of £10,000 to students pursuing one-year postgraduate study in the UK. The Study UK campaign is delivered by the British Council in partnership with the UK government’s GREAT Britain campaign, which encourages people to visit, invest and study in the UK
GREAT Scholarships 2021 launches on 17 November 2020 in Indonesia. The deadline for applications will vary depending on institutions’ own application deadlines, so applicants should check deadlines with their chosen university. The deadline for universities to select candidates for the GREAT Scholarships is 18 June 2021.
The UK attracts more than 3,000 Indonesian students every year and values the diversity and academic contribution that Indonesian students bring. The UK remains a beacon for learning, celebrated for its role in welcoming students from around the world and creating global citizens. The GREAT scholarships are testament to the UK’s commitment to supporting Indonesian students embarking on their journey to the UK, which will transform their lives and careers, giving each student an experience of a lifetime and insights that are in high global demand.
Objectives of the programme
The GREAT Scholarships are all about encouraging applications from prospective international students to the UK’s world class institutions and providing educational opportunities to students in the target countries. The scholarships programme promotes the UK’s high-quality higher education provision and reinforces the message that the UK continues to welcome the brightest and best international students.
Details of the scholarships
The twelve scholarships are offered across a broad range of subjects, each one worth a minimum of £10,000 towards tuition fees for a one-year postgraduate course.
For the 2021-22 academic year there are postgraduate scholarships available for Indonesian students at the following institutions:
We encourage prospective Indonesian students to apply for this exciting opportunity.
The pandemic has caused understandable uncertainty, but the UK’s world-class universities are continuing to recruit international students and they are going above and beyond to ensure that students’ physical and mental health and wellbeing are prioritised.
Making the decision to leave home and move to another country to study at a university brings challenges for international students, but it also indicates a strong commitment to embrace change and discover new ways of learning.
Don’t forget too that from summer 2021, the Graduate Route will enable international students to stay in the UK and work, or look for work, at any skill level for two years after graduation for undergraduate and master’s students. This rises to three years for PhD students.
Thank you to all of you who work tirelessly to support Indonesian students in fulfilling their UK study dream. We are extremely grateful for your support in promoting the GREAT Scholarships programme.
The below responses can be used to answer queries from applicants to the GREAT Scholarships 2021.
You are eligible to apply for a GREAT scholarship if you:
We welcome applications from students who are committed to their studies and who will able to benefit from studying a postgraduate course at a UK university. We encourage you to apply if you can demonstrate your interest in your chosen subject, through examples of your work or academic experience.
We expect GREAT scholars to attend lectures and tutorials (whether online or in-person, as circumstances allow) and engage with extra-curricular activities. We want you to act as an ambassador for UK higher education by sharing your experiences and promoting the value of studying at a UK university. You may also be asked to attend a networking event with other scholars, to discuss experiences so we can capture perceptions of studying in the UK.
After your studies, we expect you to maintain contact with the British Council and act as an ambassador for GREAT scholarships, by sharing your experiences with future scholars and encouraging others to apply.
Visit the ‘GREAT Scholarships’ pages on the Study UK website and look for your country. Here you will be able to read more information about the universities taking part and the eligibility criteria.
Visit the ‘Find a GREAT Scholarship’ page on the Study UK website and filter by your country. You can browse the universities that are offering GREAT scholarships for your country through this tool. Once you’ve explored the options available to you, visit the university’s site to learn more about how to apply. This will usually mean applying for your chosen course through the university’s own application system.
As part of the application process, you may need to send an essay. Some universities will ask for 500 words on a topic you’ve studied previously and why you found it interesting. This essay will be part of the shortlisting criteria, alongside previous academic achievement, and the potential you show. Shortlisted applicants may be asked to attend a video interview with the university’s selection committee.
The shortlisting and interview process will be managed by universities, so please contact your chosen university for more information on the application process.
Yes, you can apply for a GREAT scholarship if you’re currently studying in the UK, as long as you meet the other eligibility requirements.
The deadline for each GREAT scholarship will vary by university, so please check with your chosen institution when the application deadline is.
The deadline for institutions to select candidates for the GREAT Scholarships is 18 June 2021.
The minimum value of each scholarship is £10,000, which goes towards tuition fees only (not other costs of study). However, some scholarships may be worth more, so remember to check the value of each scholarship on the institution’s page through Study UK’s ‘Find a GREAT Scholarship’ page.
Scholarships will be offered at postgraduate taught level (one-year master’s degrees).
You can find out more about the cost of studying in the UK on the Study UK website.
Yes, you can apply to more than one university that offers GREAT scholarships.
There are many scholarships available for international students considering UK study. Please see Study UK’s scholarships page for more information.
Many universities also offer their own scholarship programmes. We suggest browsing institutions that you might be interested in to see if there are further scholarships you could apply to.
If you’re applying for an undergraduate course, find out more about undergraduate scholarships for international students on the UCAS website.
You can find out everything you need to know about studying in the UK on the Study UK website.
To be eligible for this scholarship, students must:
We expect scholars to attend lectures and tutorials and engage with extra-curricular activities during their studies.
We want our scholars to act as ambassadors for UK higher education by sharing their experiences and promoting the value of studying at a UK university.