Swedia, negara Skandinavia terluas, juga diakui sebagai pemimpin dalam inovasi, peringkat lima besar negara dengan permohonan paten terbanyak per kapita. Swedia telah melahirkan banyak perusahaan terkenal; Ericsson, Volvo, IKEA dan H&M. Negara ini merupakan pemimpin di sektor teknologi Informasi dunia, juga teknologi lingkungan, teknik permesinan, pengobatan dan bio teknologi. Bila kamu berencana berkunjung dalam waktu singkat sebagai peserta pertukaran pelajar di Swedia, belajar program pasca sarjana atau meraih gelar penuh, kamu akan mendapat keuntungan dari kondisi Swedia yang terbuka dan santai, biaya pendidikan yang terjangkau dan banyaknya mata kuliah yang dapat di jadikan pilihan.
Bila kamu memutuskan untuk belajar di Swedia, kamu akan mendapati bahwa negara ini memiliki kapasitas yang lebih besar dari ukurannya. Dari menjadi pusat kekaisaran di abad ke 17, hingga tempat lahir dan tuan rumah penghargaan Nobel, walau jumlah penduduknya tidak banyak, pengaruh Swedia jauh melampaui perbatasannya. Perusahaan Swedia seperti Ikea dan Volvo dikenal di penjuru dunia, pula negara ini berkontribusi dalam budaya populer dari grup pop ABBA hingga sutradara film yang inovatif Ingmar Bergman.
Swedia modern dikenal dengan persamaan hak dan keadilan sosialnya. Negara ini memiliki kesetaraan kekayaan tertingi di dunia, merupakan salah satu negara dengan perbedaan upah terendah, memiliki pelayanan kesehatan publik yang merata dan persamaan hak untuk pasangan sejenis dan berbeda jenis. Ditambah dengan keindahan Eropa Utara, bebas biaya untuk mahasiswa Uni Eropa (biaya untuk mahasiswa yang bukan dari Uni Eropa diumumkan baru – baru ini), dan daya tarik untuk belajar di Swedia yang kuat.
Temukan lebih banyak informasi di www.sweden.se
Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi
Program pasca sarjana berdurasi antara 1 atau dua tahun. Persyaratan pendaftaran program pasca sarjana pada umumnya termasuk gelar s1 atau yang setara dan mahir berbahasa Inggris (TOEFL/IELTS). Saat ini terdapat lebih dari 800 program pasca sarjana dalam bahasa Inggris. Sumber informasi terpercaya tentang pendidikan tinggi di Swedia adalah situs www.studyinsweden.se. Saat ini diperkirakan ada 35.000 mahasiswa internasional yang menimba ilmu di Swedia. Sebanyak 11 Universitas dari Swedia disebutkan atau meraih peringkat tiga besar dunia versi THE, QS dan Shanghai/ ARWU. Institut Karolinska (28) merupakan Universitas dengan peringkat tertinggi berdasarkan Peringkat Pendidikan Tinggi di Dunia versi Times tahun 2015 – 2016, diikuti Universitas Uppsala (81) dan Universitas Lund (90).
Home to nearly a quarter of Sweden’s population, Stockholm is very much the country’s beating heart. Universities in Stockholm include many of the nation’s most prestigious institutions, such as KTH Royal Institute of Technology, (ranked 97th in the world), Stockholm University (ranked joint 196th) and the Karolinska Institute (in the global top 10 for medicine). Stockholm itself is also the highest-ranking Nordic city in the QS Best Student Cities 2016, in 24th place.
Sweden’s capital is known for its beauty, friendliness, culture and high quality of life. As a student, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to explore Stockholm’s buzzing nightlife, bohemian shops and cafés, or perhaps just take a break from studies by relaxing in the parklands of Djurgården Island. Built on 14 islands connected by 57 bridges, Stockholm is also characterized by the fact that water is never far away.
Sweden’s second-largest city, Gothenburg is something of a godsend for those who are not drawn to the quiet, historical, leafy cities in which you’ll find many of Sweden’s universities. Universities in Gothenburg include two high-ranking institutions: the Chalmers University of Technology (ranked 139th in the world) and the University of Gothenburg (joint 264th).
Gothenburg is more affordable than many other Swedish cities, and has plenty of pubs and bars. The port town is also renowned for its continental feel and its friendly locals, and has a charming historical district of its own, so you needn’t feel like you’re missing out. Gothenburg is also featured in the QS Best Student Cities index, at 54th, reflecting the great student experience it has to offer.
A small and student-centered city, Lund dates back to the 10th century, and is known as something of a hub for high-tech companies, as well as being famed for its excellent university. The second oldest university in Sweden, Lund University is the country’s highest ranking institution, at 73rd in the QS World University Rankings 2016-2017. The city’s position at the southern tip of Sweden means that it also offers plenty of opportunities for travel, making it a good choice for students keen to explore more of Europe in between semesters.
Sweden’s fourth-largest city, Uppsala is a leafy canal-lined city which boasts its very own castle. It’s home to Sweden’s oldest and third-highest ranking institution, Uppsala University (joint 98th in the world). Like Lund, Uppsala appeals not only for the prestige of its university, but also for its lively student community. Though small, both Uppsala and Lund have vibrant student scenes, including opportunities to find student jobs in the bars and other organizations at the heart of student life. Located towards the east of the country, about an hour’s drive north of Stockholm, Uppsala is also well placed for trips to the rest of Europe.
Much further up the eastern coast, Umeå is by far the most northerly of the locations mentioned here, offering a base from which lovers of the wilderness can strike out and enjoy the stark beauty of northern Sweden. If you’re feeling brave, it is a mere 400km from the Arctic Circle. But, though fairly small and remote, Umeå is no backwater. It is known for being something of research hub, with a sizable student population, reasonable nightlife and enough culture to have earned the title of European Capital of Culture in 2014. Umeå University is ranked within the world's top 300, and the city is also home to a branch of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (ranked 7th in the world for agriculture and forestry).
Untuk mendaftar di perguruan tinggi Swedia, kamu sebaiknya menggunakan portal pendaftaran perguruan tinggi terpusat Universityadmissions.se. Warga Negara Swedia dan negara Uni Eropa dibebaskan dari biaya Perguruan Tinggi. Tetapi, bagi warga negara yang bukan berasal dari Uni Eropa dikenakan biaya. Berikut disusun oleh lembaga perguruan tinggi secara mandiri, biaya yang diperlukan berkisar antara SEK90,000 dan 150,000 (sekitar US$10,560-17,595) tergantung dari tingkat kuliah. Pelajar yang tidak berasal dari Uni Eropa juga dikenakan biaya pendaftaran SEK900 (US$106) – tanpa terkecuali tanpa terpengaruh jumlah mata kuliah ataupun program yang kamu ambil. Persyaratan untuk membuat visa pelajar (atau ijin tinggal untuk waktu lebih dari tiga bulan) berbeda - beda disesuaikan dengan tempat asalmu, apakah kamu berasal dari negara – negara Uni Eropa atau tidak.
Pelajar Uni Eropa dan Warga Negara Swiss
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Fakta Singkat:
Don’t just pick a place, pick a future they said. Sweden known for being small country in Europe, for being among the wealthiest countries in the world, for excellence in innovation and research. But there are some distinguish things that set Sweden apart from other countries in Europe.
Sweden is green, creative, equal and open. What else? Everyone could speak English! Sweden listed as one of the top countries in the world for non-native speakers of English. That means you don’t have to worry about speaking any Swedish to be able to study here. Public transport is widespread! Extensive network of buses, trains, subways, trams, boats, planes and more in Sweden can take you anywhere you want to go, car-free. International students can definitely work in Sweden. Even though your studies are your number-one priority, as an international students you can work during your stay for studies. There’s no legal limit to the amount of hours. After completing your studies, you can apply to extend your residence permit to look for work for up to six months. After all, Sweden is clean and safe, and the standard of living is high.
Focus Scholarship: Master
Competition: Developing Countries
Scholarship Coverage: Full Scholarship
Swedish government initiates SISS as an international award scheme that focuses to develop future global leaders. The program is funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden and administered by the Swedish Institute (SI). It offers a unique opportunity for future leaders on professional and academic development, to experience Swedish society and culture, and building a long-lasting relationship with each other. SISS is looking for candidates to play an active role in the positive development of the societies in which they live. Moreover, ambitious young professionals with academic qualifications, demonstrated leadership experience and a clear idea of contribution to their home-country after graduated from Swedish’ university. Priority area of studies: Gender equality, sustainable development, democracy, human rights or poverty reduction. Apply for a scholarship for master’s degree studies in Sweden: develop leadership skills for your contribution to the development of your home country.