
Are You Eligible for the Swedish Institute Scholarship?

Last updated on 29 Mar 2025
Are You Eligible for the Swedish Institute Scholarship?


By Jenny Egner Lin

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For students interested in pursuing a master’s degree in Sweden, the Swedish Institute offers a scholarship for global professionals. Read more to learn about the value of the scholarship, the requirements, and key dates in the application process. Please note that the applications for year 2019/2020 have ended.

Information about the next call for applications will be published in the autumn 2019. The eligibility criteria as well as the application procedure and key days may differ from the previous years.


Photograph by Raphael Andres.

What is the Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals (SISGP)?

The Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals (SISGP) offers scholarships to a large number of master’s programmes starting in the autumn semester. For a list of master’s programmes that are eligible for SISGP, please refer to this document.

An estimated 300 scholarships will be available for full-time master’s studies in Sweden starting in the autumn semester 2019. Usually 1-3 % of the applicants are awarded a SISGP scholarship.

The recipients of the Swedish Institute scholarships for Global Professionals (SISGP) for master’s studies starting in the autumn semester 2019 have been determined. Check the list of successful recipients, for an overview that might give you some inspiration.

What’s included in the scholarship?

The scholarship covers:

  • Tuition fees paid directly to the Swedish university
  • Living expenses of SEK 10,000/month
  • Travel grant of SEK 15,000 *
  • Insurance against illness and accident
  • Membership of the SI Network for Future Global Leaders (NFGL) - a platform to grow professionally and build your network while in Sweden
  • Membership of the SI Alumni Network after your scholarship period - a platform for continued networking and further professional development

Note: the travel grant is a one-time payment for the entire study period. The grant is not applicable to students already living in Sweden.

The scholarship does not cover additional grants for family members, or the application fee to University Admissions.


Photograph by Jon Flobrant.

What is the duration of the scholarship?

The scholarship is intended for full-time one-year or two-year master’s programmes, and is only awarded for programmes starting in the autumn semester. The scholarship is granted for one academic year (two semesters) at a time. It will be extended for programmes longer than two semesters, provided that the student has obtained the required credits of their programme.

The scholarship period cannot be changed or extended beyond the awarded scholarship period, nor can the scholarship be transferred to a study programme other than the awarded master’s programme.


The competition for SI scholarships is very high. We recommend that you also look for other scholarship opportunities from your government, from organisations in your country, or from Swedish universities.

Are you eligible to apply?

Work experience

You must have had at least 3,000 hours’ work experience from a maximum of three organisations/companies. Valid work experience for SISGP includes both full-time and part-time employment, for instance as employee, employer, and freelancer.

Leadership experience

You must be able to demonstrate your previous leadership experience. The experience may be demonstrated through for instance previous work experience, or involvement in civil society organisations.

University admissions

You must be liable to pay tuition fees to Swedish universities, have followed the steps of university admission, and be admitted to one of the eligible master’s programmes.

Read more about other eligibility criteria through this link.

What is the sought candidate profile?

The Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals (SISGP) programme is part of the Swedish government’s international awards scheme aimed at developing global leaders who will contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The scholarship is funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden and administered by the Swedish Institute (SI). The programme offers a unique opportunity for global professionals to develop professionally and academically, to experience Swedish society and culture, and to build a long-lasting relationship with Sweden and with each other.

The goal is to enable the scholarship holders to play an active role in the positive development of the societies in which they live.

Ideal candidates are ambitious young professionals with academic qualifications, demonstrated work and leadership experience, ambition to make a difference by working with issues which contribute to a just and sustainable development in their country in a long term perspective, and a clear idea of how a study programme in Sweden would benefit their country.

Priority will be given to applicants with a strong and relevant professional background and demonstrated leadership experience.

What are the steps in the application process?

To begin with, you must apply for a master’s programme at, during the registration dates, usually ranging from mid-October to mid-January.

Following the university degree applications, you can apply for an SI scholarship. The applications are normally open in the beginning of February. Check the website for updated information in Autumn 2019.


Photograph by Inès d'Anselme.

Required documents

  1. A motivational letter You must use the SISGP form for motivation letter. Fill in and upload the motivation letter as a PDF-file on the application portal during the application period.

  2. A Curriculum Vitae (CV) You must use the SISGP template for CV. The CV should not exceed three pages. It’s up to you to decide which parts are relevant for your application. Additional pages will not be considered.

  3. Two different letters of reference You must use the SISGP form for letter of reference. At least one letter of reference must be based on your work experience. It’s a merit if the second letter of reference is based on your involvement in networks or civil society organisations outside of your regular work.

The letters should be signed by the referee and stamped with an official stamp of the referred organisation or a notary office. The forms should be typed, printed, signed, stamped, and finally uploaded as one PDF-file. You can find more information in the instruction in the form and in our FAQ.

  1. Proof of work and leadership experience You must use the SISGP form for proof of work and leadership experience. The work and leadership form should be signed by the referee and stamped with an official stamp of the referred organisation or a notary office. The forms should be typed, printed, signed, stamped, and finally uploaded as one PDF-file.

  2. A copy of your passport Your personal data including name, citizenship and photograph must be shown clearly. A copy of passport should be included together with the CV as a last fourth page. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a copy of your valid passport to include.

If your application is missing one of the required documents above, it will be disqualified.

Don't miss:

In case you apply to several master’s programmes

In case you apply to several master’s programmes, you are required to submit a separate copy of your scholarship application for each eligible master’s programme that you have applied to.

For example, if you have applied to the maximum of four master’s programmes on, you must submit four separate and complete online scholarship applications. Each application must have all the required documents attached.

You may use the same documents for each application, or create unique ones for each master’s programme. You should use the same account at the application portal to submit all your scholarship applications and you should provide the same email address for all your scholarship applications.

What are the key dates in the application process?

Please note that the applications for year 2019/2020 have ended, and the following time frames are used as an estimate based on the previous application rounds. Information about the next call for applications will be published in the autumn 2019. Always refer to the scholarship official website for the most accurate and up to date information.

  1. Apply for a master’s programme at Applications open mid-October 2019 to mid-January 2020.
  2. Apply for a SISGP scholarship in the beginning of February 2020.
  3. Notifications from University Admissions arrive in April 2020.
  4. The announcement of 300 successful SI scholarship recipients is made at the end of April 2020.

Learn more about the scholarship on the official website of Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals (SISGP).

For more scholarship opportunities, head to University Scholarships and Other Scholarships, both published by the official site Study in Sweden.

About the author: Jenny Egnér Lin is a Swedish university graduate with a MSc in Strategic Market Creation from Copenhagen Business School, and a BSc in Business and Economics from Stockholm School of Economics. With firsthand experience from studying in Scandinavia, she is sharing prime insights about student life in Northern Europe, and Sweden in particular.