Welcome to Lithuania!
Located in the north of Europe on the Baltic Sea, Lithuania offers a unique blend of multicultural influences, with a complex past and modern, cosmopolitan student cities. Throughout its complicated history has developed a unique culture, which encompasses both deep respect for traditions and robust wish to learn and innovate. Lithuanian people are simple, calm and can be somewhat shy with foreigners, but friendly and good-intended when you get to know them.
It is home to one of the fastest-growing economies in the European Union, Lithuania offers lower living costs than many Western European countries, and its people are some of the most bilingual and well-educated in Europe. It’s also *relatively* mild, despite its northern location, and an ideal choice for nature-lovers, with a lush mix of forests, gently rolling hills, rivers, streams and lakes.
The academic year starts in September and ends in mid-June and is divided into two semesters – spring and autumn. Students can opt to study full-time or part-time.
Each study programme is evaluated according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), with each year of study being awarded 60 ECTS credits.
Non-university studies are undergraduate studies and they come under what we call the first cycle.
University degrees are offered in three cycles: the first cycle is undergraduate (Bachelor), the second cycle is graduate (Master, and/or specialised professional studies), and the third one is postgraduate (Doctoral; residency; postgraduate in the Arts).
During the first cycle, you can choose to study for a Bachelor’s degree and/or a professional qualification for which you will need to have obtained 180 – 240 ECTS. When you successfully complete the course, with or without a professional qualification you receive a Bachelor’s Diploma. If you only want to study for the professional qualification, then you will receive a Higher Educational Diploma.
Bachelor degrees and professional qualifications are offered at universities; professional qualifications, but not degrees, can be taken at colleges.
If you are at the second cycle stage (or aim to be there) and you want to study for a Master’s degree and/or a specialized professional qualification one of the options open to you is the integrated study programmes. These programmes combine university studies of the first and second cycles. The successful graduates are awarded a Master’s Diploma which testifies to their Master’s degree status. You can also attain a professional qualification. If you are studying for the Master’s Diploma (which is only offered at universities) you have to obtain 90 – 120 ECTS credits.
If you study for the professional qualification at this level you will be awarded a Higher Education Diploma. The purpose of the specialized professional studies at this level is to acquire a qualification in a specific field.
In the third cycle, students study for a postgraduate qualification. This could be for a Doctorate, a Residency (for example, those studying medicine or veterinary science) or a postgraduate qualification in the Arts. Postgraduate studies are offered by a university or a university and science institution collectively. The duration of the different postgraduate studies is determined by the Government.
Some Higher Education institutions organize summer courses in addition to regular courses. These courses, offering mostly academic content, usually last for a couple of weeks in the summer. They are often both formal and informal. In some Higher Education institutions it is possible to gain ECTS credits and scholarships for summer courses (i.e. they are included in the studies).
The capital and largest city in Lithuania, Vilnius has a population of around 542,700 people and is located in the southeast of the country. Students who choose a university in Vilnius are bound to be charmed by the city’s famous baroque and gothic architecture, especially in the Old Town (a UNESCO World Heritage Site). Vilnius also offers a vibrant nightlife, some of the highest internet speeds in the world, and pleasantly warm summers. It’s not short of universities, with Vilnius University and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Mykolas Romeris University all located here. Vilnius was the European Capital of Culture in 2009 along with the Austrian city of Linz.
Kaunas is the second-largest city in Lithuania with around 297,700 residents, and is located in the south-central region of the country. The temporary capital of Lithuania during the interwar period, it’s packed with heritage from various eras, with plenty of museums and landmarks such as the 14th century Kaunas Castle. The city has historically been a leading center of Lithuanian cultural, academic and economic life, becoming a major industrial city after World War II. Kaunas is also a university city, with over 35,000 students studying Kaunas University of Technology, Vytautas Magnus University or one of the five other colleges and universities.
Klaipėda (pronounced klai-pey-da) is located on the Baltic Sea coast at the north-western corner of Lithuania, and has a population of just over 154,000. The city is very much a mix of old and new, with an interesting history that includes a period as a temporary Prussian capital during the Napoleonic wars, and a time when it was known as Memel under German rule. It now serves as the country’s only sea port for large cruise ships and an important gateway in the Curonian Spit, and is close to popular seaside resort towns Nida and Palanga.
Sebelum mendaftar untuk belajar di Lithuania, kamu harus memastikan bahwa kamu telah memenuhi persyaratan untuk level pilihanmu. Kamu membutuhkan sertifikat meninggalkan sekolah (atau dokumen sejenis) bila hendak mendaftar di fase pertama. Telah memiliki gelar Sarjana atau yang setara untuk mendaftar di level dua dan telah memiliki gelar S2 bila mendaftarkan diri di fase ke tiga. Sebagai warga negara asing, dokumen pendidikanmu perlu dievaluasi dan diakui oleh Pusat Kajian Pendidikan Tinggi Lithuania (CQAHE), kamu harus mengumpulkan salinan asli diploma dan catatan akademik.
Hal lain yang harus diperhatikan adalah bahasa pengantar belajar. Lebih dari 380 mata pelajaran berbahasa Inggris tercantum dalam mesin pencari yang di sediakan oleh situs Belajar di Lithuania, termasuk di dalamnya, 99 perguruan tinggi program S1, 139 perguruan tinggi program S2 dan 16 untuk program Doktoral. Jika kamu ingin belajar di kelas berbahasa Inggris, namun kamu bukanlah penutur asli, kamu diwajibkan untuk mengikuti ujian seperti IELTS atau TOEFL. Bila kamu ingin belajar dalam bahasa Lithuania, kamu juga wajib lulus dari ujian bahasa.
Warga Negara Lithuania, penduduk asli Lithuania dan pelajar dari EU/EEA (Uni Eropa/ Masyarakat Ekonomi Eropa) berhak untuk mendaftar melalui Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Lithuania (LAMA BPO) di Lembaga Negara di berbagai perguruan tinggi Lithuania, harus dilaksanakan pada 1 Juni hingga 23 Juli.
Bila kamu berasal dari negara di luar EU/EEA, kamu harus mendaftar langsung ke universitas pilihanmu dan mengumpulkan semua dokumen yang diperlukan:
Biaya pendidikan di Lithuania bervariasi, berdasarkan universitas, level pendidikan dan program. Rata – rata biaya yang diperlukan adalah:
€1,000-5,300 (~US$1,060-5,620) untuk S1
€2,200-6,500 (~US$2,330-6,890) untuk S2
€7,100-8,500 (~US$7,520-9,000) untuk PhDs
Biaya hidup di Lithuania tidak mahal, Universitas Vinilus memperkirakan biaya hidup yang dibutuhkan sebesar €489 (~US$520) setiap bulan, atau €5,868 (~US$6,240) setiap tahun termasuk biaya akomodasi, sementara tinggal di asrama siswa hanya memerlukan biaya sebesar €70 (~US$74) tiap bulan.