Bonjour, dari negara Eropa yang romantis dan chic! Pasti kedua kata itu sudah menjadi label yang melekat ketika mendengar “Perancis”, tapi saatnya kita gali lebih dalam dari sekedar itu. Kenyataannya, negara ini menjadi perekrut mahasiswa asing ketiga terbanyak di dunia. Pemerintah Prancis mensubsidi 90% biaya kuliah sehingga siswa Eropa atau non-Eropa dapat menempuh pendidikan yang terjangkau dan berkualitas serta diakui di seluruh dunia. Anda mungkin perlu belajar bahasa Perancis, tapi percaya atau tidak - Bahasa Perancis akan menjadi aset berharga Anda untuk karir kedepan karena Bahasa Perancis telah menjadi bahasa resmi untuk 29 negara dan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. Singkat cerita, belajar di Perancis membuat Anda membuka kesempatan karir cemerlang Anda.
Di Indonesia, Anda bisa menjangkau Campus France sebagai perwakilan resmi pemerintah Perancis yang memberikan informasi dan saran tentang studi di Perancis termasuk membimbing Anda dalam proses pendaftaran.
Focus Scholarship: Master
Competition: Designated countries: Indonesia
Scholarship Coverage: The living cost, tuition fees (5,000 euros per academic year), social insurance for the duration of studies and student visa application fees for France.
The French Government, through the French Institute of Indonesia (IFI) - Embassy of France in Indonesia, opens a scholarship program addressed to Indonesian students with a track record of excellence and wishing to pursue Master's degree studies (M1 or M2) in France.
This scholarship program is open to all fields of study. This year, as part of the French initiative Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) (, a priority will be given to the following themes :
Candidates must:
Application requirements:
The application form must be sent by email in PDF or Word format to Campus France Indonesia (, mentioning in the subject line "Application - IFI 2018 Scholarship Program", no later than 22 June 2018 at midnight (Jakarta time). Files received after this time will not be considered.
* in English or French, in accordance with the language used in the program selected
Focus Scholarship: Master and PhD
Competition: Developing Country
Scholarship Coverage: Full Scholarship
Eiffel scholarship programs are available for students from developing countries who would like to continue their studies in France (one to two years). Eiffel scholarships will cover the living cost during the study period with the amount of 1181 Euro for master's level and 1,400 Euro for doctorates program. In addition, tickets for round-trip as well as health insurance also covered by the program. Eiffel scholarships available on 26 – 1st December each.