Study in Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) with Scholarship
Study in Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) with Scholarship
Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT)
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Study in Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT)

Last edited on 12 Mar 2025

Institute of Technology of the Year 2020, Top 25 Performing Univerity in the World for Interdesciplinary Research, Ranked 1st for 6 years in a row in Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) for Student Satisfaction.

In recent years, AIT is proudly the Institute of Technology of the Year 2020 and sixth consecutive year ranked the 1st in Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) for Student Satisfaction. AIT is the leader in the Institute of Technology sector in innovation, applied teaching and student welfare. AIT’s strength comes from identifying areas of skills shortage and working with businesses to improve links between enterprise and academia. The Institute is home to 6,000 students undertaking a broad range of programmes in the domains of business, hospitality, engineering, informatics, science, health, social science and design. More than 11% of the full-time student population come from overseas with 65 nationalities represented, reflecting the globalised nature of its campus. The Institute’s global focus is also evident in the 230 partnerships and agreements it has signed with universities and research institutions around the world. With the excellent results from recent years, AIT is heading to Technological University status with tremendous support from Irish and EU government, being a great capstone for current and potential students at world class level.

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