
Want to have a career in social media? Study in Europe!

Last updated on 12 Mar 2025
Want to have a career in social media? Study in Europe!


By Mia Angeline

Opportunities and jobs in social media are on the rise.

No wonder since almost all companies use social media to engage with potential customers.

The European Commission mentioned that people with high skill in technology, such as social media managers, will be sought after for years to come. Another perk of working in social media, you will always be a learner. Social and digital media are constantly evolving, so you are always learning and adapting to changes.

If you are interested to have a career in social media, then you may wonder what is the specific role of social media specialists?

Working in social media involve using Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or Facebook to increase a company’s reputation or brand awareness.

Essentially, you are the voice of the company on social media.

Most companies will look for candidates with a degree in communications, public relations, digital marketing or journalism. Other than a degree, you will be required to have writing, marketing, and computer skills.

Find the list of scholarships to study in Europe, here.

As a relatively new field of study with growing interest, several social media / digital marketing degree programs are emerging in Europe. Here are European universities that offer programs in social media or digital marketing:


The bachelor's-degree programme in Digital Marketing Management in EMBA offers insight into the basics of digital marketing, the marketing process, measurement and analysis in digital media.

Located in Hamburg, Germany, EMBA provides practical online marketing studies to prepare you working in social media or digital marketing activities. Currently, programme in Digital Marketing Management is only available at undergraduate level.

For more information about studying in EUROPÄISCHE MEDIEN- UND BUSINESS-AKADEMIE, click here.

2. Mykolas Romeris University (MRU)

Located in the capital city of Vilnius, Lithuania, MRU offers bachelor program in Communication and Digital Marketing.

Studying in MRU will equip students with the specific and practical knowledge of various digital platforms and content marketing. Unfortunately, MRU only offers bachelor’s program in Communication and Digital Marketing for now.

For more information about studying in Mykolas Romeris University, click here.

3. Harbour Space University

As a university for technology and design in Barcelona, Spain, they have a specific bachelor program of Digital Marketing. If you study in Harbour Space, you will have extensive knowledge about helping brands to communicate effectively with their potential audiences using online technologies. Other than bachelor’s program, Harbour Space also has Master in Digital Marketing.

For more information about studying in Harbour Space University, click here.

4. Algebra University College

Similar like Harbour Space, Algebra University also offers a bachelor program in Digital Marketing. Located in Zagreb, Croatia, Algebra University offers immediate practical application of skills upon graduation. This means you will be well equipped to be an expert in digital marketing, social media, and online public relations. If you are looking for master’s degree, Algebra University also offers Master in Digital Marketing.

For more information about studying in Algebra University College, click here.

5. Ludwig-Maximilians University – Master’s program

Located in Munich, Germany, LMU offers the master’s degree in Media, Management and Digital Technologies. This program deals with questions related to application and management of digital technologies in the internet. Upon graduation, you will be rewarded with a Master of Science (M.Sc.).

For more information about studying in Ludwig-Maximilians University, click here.

Find the list of universities in Europe, here.

After graduation, there are many different career paths to pursue if you want to work in social media, such as:

Social Media Specialists

Social Media Specialists decide which social media sites and features should be maximized for effective marketing campaigns. They also plan for yearly content marketing and coordinate with content production. Additional duties may include crafting web-based marketing strategies.

Social Media Analysts

Social Media Analysts oversee the overall publicity of a company through search engine optimization (SEO). Also, they are responsible for monitoring digital data from each social media site and translate them into marketing strategies. Skills in SEO, keywords and reading data is needed for this position.

For more information about Erasmus+ Scholarship Programmes, here.

Social Media Managers

The managers usually monitor posts and engagement on social media sites. They develop coordinated marketing plans to be implemented by writers, content producers, and social media specialists.

While each role has a specific job description, people who work in social media need to have a good understanding of online advertising, viral marketing, and website design.

There you have it, everything you need to know to have a career in social media. Start preparing for your dream job.

Find more information about studying in Europe, here.