Study in Luxembourg

Study in Luxembourg

Last edited on 27 Mar 2025

Moien & Welcome to Luxembourg! 

A small landlocked country in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg is a political powerhouse and important financial centre and is home to one of the three official capitals of the European Union. Countless influences have come together over the decades to shape the world's only sovereign Grand Duchy, leaving a legacy of openness and prosperity that continues to welcome people and ideas from the outside.

What we lose in size, we make up in diversity – in fact, almost 50% of the population doesn't have Luxembourgish nationality! This mix of languages and cultures from over 170 nationalities gives it a great cosmopolitan characteristic. With so many foreigners, it is not surprising that most locals speak - apart from Luxembourgish, French and German - fluent English, so you will have no trouble getting along with them!

International students choosing to study at the University of Luxembourg will enjoy an enriching higher education experience in a country renowned for its skilled and multilingual workforce, an attractive research and innovation landscape, pioneering spirit and cutting-edge infrastructure and excellent connectivity as well as an impressive cultural scene and stunning nature – in short, a country worth exploring!

Higher Education System

Studying at the University of Luxembourg, the only public university of the Grand Duchy, is a uniquely enriching experience. The University of Luxembourg aspires to be one of Europe’s most highly regarded universities with a distinctly international, multilingual and interdisciplinary character. It fosters the cross-fertilisation of research and teaching, is relevant to its country, known worldwide for its research and teaching in targeted areas, and becomes an innovative model for contemporary European Higher Education.

The programmes draw on the knowledge of experts from the business community, Luxembourg’s financial centre – one of the world’s leading centres – as well as international institutions, such as the European Court of Justice or the European Investment Bank and many more, who all complement the academic staff to ensure highest-quality teaching. The popularity of the fledgling university is based on research - especially in its priority research areas of materials science, computer science and computer security, European and international law, finance and financial innovation, education and digital and contemporary history.

Located on Belval Campus and in Luxembourg City, this modern university thus offers students cutting-edge knowledge in a distinctly interdisciplinary environment while retaining a personal atmosphere. Small classes and mentoring ensure direct interaction between students and teaching staff. Founded in 2003, the University has already positioned itself among the best young universities in the world and ranks in 12th position of the Times Higher Education ranking of universities of less than 20 years of age. The University has a broad network of international partner institutions and offers bi- and tri-national study programs. One semester abroad is mandatory for all undergraduate students.

The University of Luxembourg

  • Founded in 2003
  • Multilingual, international, interdisciplinary, research-oriented
  • Rankings : #3 for International Outlook in the Times Highers Education (THE) World University Rankings 2021, #12 in THE Young University Ranking and #20 of the Rising Young Universities (in the Nature Index)
  • 17 bachelor degrees, 46 master degrees, 14 trilingual degrees, 48 bilingual degrees, 23 degrees taught entirely in English
  • Research priorities: Materials Science, Computer Science and ICT Security, European and International Law, Finance and Financial Innovation, Contemporary and Digital History, Health and Systems, Biomedecine as well as Data Modelling and Simulation
  • 1,420 academic staff (including doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers, research associates and others) supporting 268 professors, assistant professors and lecturers in their teaching
  • Close to European institutions, financial institutions and leading industry players

Établissements d’enseignement supérieur étrangers privés

Apart from the University of Luxembourg, there are also private, foreign specialised higher education institutions in the country that offer nationally accredited diplomas :

  • Lunex University specialises in sports, motor skills and physiotherapy. Located in Differdange, the specialised higher education institution offers various study programmes at bachelor and master level in physiotherapy and in the field of sports.
  • The Luxembourg School of Business (LSB), which is AACSB accredited, offers a 'Weekend MBA' (Master of Business Administration) mainly for people who wish to acquire their qualification over a two-year period while at the same time working full-time.

Institutions awarding foreign diplomas

Universities in Luxembourg