Study in Università di PISA with Scholarship
Study in Università di PISA with Scholarship
Università di PISA
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Study in Università di PISA

Last edited on 27 Mar 2025

top 200 - 400  worldwide and top 3 - 7 in Italy

Founded in 1343, UNIPI is a public institution with a long tradition, deeply rooted in its territory and fully integrated into the international scientific community. With its 20 Departments, it covers all main areas of teaching and research. 
It offers 59 undergraduate, 73 graduate and 36 doctoral programs, 48 third cycle specialization programs, and about 70 shorter programs and 30 summer schools.
According to the 2021 ARWU Rankings UNIPI ranks among the top 4 in Italy and the top 200 worldwide. According the rankings by subject, it ranks among the top 3 in Italy and among the top 100 universities in Mathematics, Physics, Ancient Studies, Computer Science & Information systems.

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