
Be a Part of Digital Society in Estonia

Last updated on 23 Oct 2024
Be a Part of Digital Society in Estonia

photo-1457682524032-465ef406d105.jpeg Photo by Tirza van Dijk via Unsplash

By Mia Angeline

Not many Indonesians are familiar with Estonia, hence one thing that comes to mind regarding Estonia is only a cold European country.

Don’t miss a great opportunity just because of a lack of knowledge!

Startups Haven

Estonia is widely known as a truly digital society.

In today’s digital era, the internet has deemed as one of the basic needs of urban societies. Imagine staying connected freely in public places all around the country, you can do this in Estonia.

Currently, only Estonia declared internet as a human right. It means The Constitution of Estonia guaranteed free internet for their citizens, not only in the cities but also in rural and public areas.

Free internet is not the only reason for Estonia to become one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. The Estonians take a great care of their paperless and digital system. From e-school, online banking, e-parking, digital prescriptions, to e-government are well thought of. People in Estonia rarely use cash as a form of payment since it is easier to pay with debit or credit card. Even in governmental meetings, almost all notes and follow-ups recorded digitally.

Find the most popular student cities in Estonia here: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai

Kota-kota pelajar Populer di Estonia: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai

This digital environment in Estonia functioned as a base for tech start-ups.

Estonia has become a start-up hot spot, with a high number of successful start-up companies than in any other country in Europe.

The whole process of having your own start-up company in Estonia took approximately only 20 minutes, thanks to the digital system. One successful tech company is Skype, which founded by four Estonian engineers and based in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.

The successful implementation of e-society attracts many international students to study IT or e-government in Estonia.

However, the country offers more than 120 degree programs fully taught in English. These programs are available in the following universities:

1. University of Tartu, famous for research-based education focusing in Medicine, Chemistry, Environment and Animal Science, Social Sciences, Biology and Biochemistry, and Psychology.

2. Tallinn University of Technology, known for the synergy between engineering and technology education, such as technology, natural, social, exact and health sciences.

3. Tallinn University, the largest university of humanities in Tallinn which concentrates on Educational Innovation, Digital and Media Culture, Cultural Competences, Governance and Society, Health and Natural Sciences.

4. Estonian University of Life Sciences, the only university in Estonia prioritized in sustainable development and preservation of natural resources.

5. Estonian Business School, the oldest private university focusing on Entrepreneurship and Business Administration for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral levels.

6. Estonian Academy of Arts, the only public university in Estonia which concentrates on fine arts, design, architecture, media, visual studies, cultural heritage, and art conservation.

7. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, similar to EAA, this is the only public university in Estonia focusing on Music and Drama.

Opportunity to Work

Another thing that may entice you to study in Estonia is you do not need an additional working permit to work while studying full time as long as it does not affect with your studies.

Also, non-EU students can stay for additional six months after graduation to look for a job in Estonia. If they find a job during the extended stay then they can apply for a temporary residence permit to work.

Scholarship Opportunities

To make things easier, there are varieties of scholarships available for non-EU students. These scholarships ranging from tuition fee, living cost, or both.

Since Estonia is a part of the EU, you also can apply for Erasmus+ scholarships. For detailed information about scholarships to Estonia, head over to

Affordable Living Cost

Lastly, the living cost in Estonia is affordable compared to other European countries. As an illustration, a set of lunch including salmon, salad, potatoes, and a drink is not more than EUR 5. Transportation and internet are mostly free. Average monthly cost for a single student is around EUR 400 – 500.

The opportunity to live in a digital society combines with safe and healthy environment makes Estonia in the top list of countries to study and maybe to build your own start-up company.

For more information on studying in Estonia, check out our country page here.

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