
3 Reasons to Join the Webinar Series "Study in Germany"

Last updated on 29 Mar 2025
3 Reasons to Join the Webinar Series "Study in Germany"

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By Rebecca Isjwara

Ever thought about studying in Germany but have trouble looking for information or having your questions answered properly? This webinar (online web seminar) is for you! On March 20-22, 2018, state-funded and non-profit organisation DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) will host a 3-day webinar for Southeast Asian students from 3-6PM WIB! The sessions will be held online and is accessible anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. This is your chance to watch presentations from 15 different German institutions and have your inquiries answered through a live Q&A session—all from the comfort of your own home!

The webinars will be hosted in English. All you have to do is SIGN UP HERE, and you’re good to go. Each day’s session will be opened by a representative from DAAD and will be followed by presentations from institutions that are signed up fo that day. The full schedule is available here.

Why should you join this webinar series? Here are three reasons to do so:

1. A chance to answer all your questions!

It’s an interactive session! Meaning: you can ask anything you like. If the presentation contents are unclear to you, you could clarify or verify some of the details from the representative. If there’s something they did not mention in the presentation, you could bring that up, too. Being able to submit your questions means that you can get your answers in real-time without having to wait for several business days for them to answer your e-mail inquiries.

2. Hosted by German Representatives

The DAAD is an organisation that promotes student exchange opportunities between Germany and also other countries primarily through funding and providing information. The DAAD itself has been present in Indonesia since 1990, having their office located in Jakarta. The DAAD has been heavily involved in the higher education space with relation to cooperation between Indonesia and Germany and is surely the right representatives for you to go to.

Apart from DAAD, there are 15 other German universities and education institutes that will be participating. These institutions are:

  1. Berlin School of Economics and Law
  2. Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
  3. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (HTW) - University of Applied Sciences
  4. Hof University of Applied Sciences
  5. HTW Saar
  6. Jacobs University Bremen
  7. Offenburg University
  8. Professional Association German as a Foreign and Second Language (FaDaF e.V.)
  9. RWTH Aachen University
  10. Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences
  11. Technische Universität Dresden
  12. Technical University of Munich (Asia campus, TUM Asia)
  13. TestDaF-Institut
  14. UAS Esslingen - Graduate School
  15. University of Konstanz

For a complete list of scholarships to study in Germany, click here.

Untuk daftar lengkap Beasiswa Kuliah ke Jerman, klik di sini.

3. Join the webinar that’s relevant to you

Given the large list, you do not have to attend every single session. In fact, you can attend the sessions you’re interested in, and not be bombarded by information about universities that are not in your educational scope. For this matter, this webinar is split into two parts. Day one will incorporate preparation to pursue studies in Germany, an overview of subjects available, and a focus on business and economic subjects. Days two and three will primarily focus on engineering institutions.

For further information about stuyding in Germany, click here.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Kuliah di Jerman, klik di sini.